Community update: Week 40

Dear Community,

The team just release a new version on our communities, with several bug fixes and a lot of background work for Grepolympia!

Weekly Stats

The following stats are for activity between the 29th of September and the 5th of October:


Browser Mobile Total
Currently open: 17 1 18
Reported this week: 16 0 16
Fixed this week: 4 1 5

Bugs hot-fixed during the week

  • N/A

Support activity

  • 3142 tickets opened
  • 3473 tickets answered
  • 3.91 hours average first response time
  • 716 tickets rated
  • 4.23 rate average (of 5)

See you next week!

Looking for answers to the important questions, like: Why have we never been to an empty room?

Posted in Community Updates
4 comments on “Community update: Week 40
  1. Diodemus says:

    Dear developers,
    well your new change to the world wonders was a point to expect if we were still in 2012 or 2013. Resources you can send to the main alliance but in former times you have no possibility to get favor from your partner alliances. Nowadays you can simply farm favor with mystic units. Especially with Divine Envoys you can farm favor from your partner alliances. So if you don’t stop the possibility to farm favor this fair change won’t have much importance to the game.

    • Nils U. says:

      HI Diodemus,
      i think this change should have happened long ago but, this was/is still something which first is/was still asked for by the communities and second which makes much sense.
      – Because it will massively reduce the option for the quick favor and resource dumping in a very quick way by a huge number of players. This strategy will not work.
      – Yes you can send resources to another player, but this was possible before but seldomely used.
      – Now the other player has to have the same big amount of storage, you have to have the capacity to send it, both sides have to communicate. Plus it takes way more time as the amount of resources cant be send parallel in time but the player has to wait until his first resources are delivered and then send the other resources from that player which meanwhile blocked his storage and stopped him from getting new resources, he would have gotten if we had the old “join/drop/leave” option in.

      – Yes favor can be farmed and dropped in by the members but once again this was even possible before and this was a strategy which is absolutely valid as:
      – The research by that is more important
      – Player need to invest more time in farming and then delivering the favor but they can improve the speed of donations but not in a super abusive way like the join/drop/leave “strategy”

      So im not sharing your opinion that this will not have much importance. I definitely sure that this will slow down the build/upgrade process as that dropping will now be missing. (Maybe we’ll even have people complaining that it then takes to long but we will see)

      Still even if im not agreeing on your conclusion thank you for sharing your thoughts.
      Cheers Nils

  2. Diodemus says:

    Well it get more complicate but it is still possible. I think the real problem are not the resources. It is the conquest of a world wonder city. Have you ever seen the masse defense bonus by 20 000 biremes? Try to conquer such a city. If you would make something against this, the world wonders would be more interesting.

  3. Kamron says:

    Good job maknig it appear easy.