Community update: Week 23

Dear Community, This week we updated our beta servers to version 2.114. With this version we implemented a confirmation dialog when starting a new city foundation. Many players requested this feature since the foundation once started cannot be canceled. Furthermore

Posted in Community Updates

Community update: Week 22

Dear Community, This week we updated our browser servers to version 2.113 as well as we released the app version 2.113. With our last update we also implemented all the necessary changes for our next event, “Nature’s Wheel of Time”.

Posted in Community Updates

Community update: Week 21

Dear Community, Last week we released a new browser version 2.113 to our beta servers. A new app version 2.113 has also been released to the app stores these days. Most importantly and something every one has been expecting, we

Posted in Community Updates

Community update: Week 20

Dear Community, This week we updated the game to version 2.112 that came with a few nice things: This version includes couple of improvements and bug fixes for the “Highlight options” window on the strategic map. Additionally your player name

Posted in Community Updates

Community update: Week 19

Dear Community, As progress was done with the next event, and last weeks update, also a bug showed up with the daily login, thankfully this has been solved but unfortunatly with the long weekend it took a bit longer than

Posted in Community Updates

Community update: Week 18

Dear Community,   This week we really got the wheels spinning and prepared the next Grepolis event, with no influence of gold! But we have also opened up several new worlds and worked on fixing bugs and much more. Weekly

Posted in Community Updates

Community update: Week 17

Dear Community, As the Easter event continues on the orthodox communities our team just released a new version of the app and the new browser version is available on Beta! We also gathered significant feedback from the last version and

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Community update: Week 16

Dear Community,   This week our designer Nils shared the second part of his article about the new award system “Grepolis Score”. At the same time we have been preparing the Easter event to go live on the orthodox communities

Posted in Community Updates

The Grepolisscore & Awards Part II

Hey guys, on my last post i started telling you about the Grepolisscore. I told you why we started working on it, what that Grepolisscore is, how Grepolisscore can be earned and about the new awards coming to the game.

Posted in Game Design, Uncategorized

Community update: Week 15

Dear Community, What is new this week? The event shop is back for 48h – so don’t miss out on this last chance to exchange your shards for rewards. We also launched a new version of our app, but with

Posted in Community Updates